My Experience with Melo’s THC Beverages: A Fun Review of Grapefruit and Wild Berries Flavors


I recently tried out some of the THC beverages from Melo, and I have to say I was pretty impressed with what they had to offer. From the first sip, I could tell this was going to be a different experience from your average soda or seltzer. These drinks are perfect for anyone looking for a fun, chilled-out time without the hangover that comes with alcohol.

Melo Grapefruit

First up, let’s talk about the grapefruit flavor. If you love a tangy, citrusy kick, this one’s for you. The grapefruit taste is fresh and zesty, making it an incredibly refreshing choice for a summer afternoon. I also liked the subtle balance between the THC and the flavor—it wasn’t too overpowering, so you could still enjoy the taste of the drink. Overall, it felt like a sparkling water with a twist. I personally appreciated how it didn’t feel heavy at all, and the effects were smooth and mellow.

Buy Now Melo Grapefruit Here

Melo Wild Berries

Next up is the wild berries flavor, which was definitely my favorite of the two. The burst of berry flavors hit my taste buds right from the start. It had a natural sweetness that wasn’t overwhelming and paired well with the THC. This flavor is perfect for those who prefer a sweeter, fruitier taste. I found it really pleasant and refreshing, and the effects were just as relaxing as with the grapefruit.

Buy Now Melo Wild Berries Here

In comparison, both flavors offer a light, enjoyable experience, and the effects of THC were consistent across the board. The drinks don’t make you feel too heavy or bogged down, which is a huge plus in my book. Whether you’re hanging out with friends or just winding down after a long day, these beverages can easily become a go-to choice for a relaxing time.

One thing to note is that the carbonation can make the THC effects kick in a little faster than other edibles. So, just keep that in mind if you’re new to THC beverages. Start with one drink and wait a while to see how you feel before going for more.

Overall, I highly recommend giving Melo’s THC beverages a try if you’re looking for a tasty, refreshing, and fun way to enjoy THC. Both flavors offer something unique, so you can’t go wrong with either choice!

Julia Davis
Hi, I’m Julia Davis

Psychologist, Mental Health Expert – University of Latvia, MS I am deeply convinced that each patient needs a unique, individual approach. Therefore, I use different psychotherapy methods in my work. During my studies, I discovered an in-depth interest in people as a whole and the belief in the inseparability of mind and body, and the importance of emotional health in physical health. In my spare time, I enjoy reading (a big fan of thrillers) and going on hikes. [email protected]